
SMD-510 Casting Machine


Casting machine is an option to melt the dental metal and cast in to the mold to manufacture metal support. Casting process is started by melting the dental metal via torch-flame and than cast metal is achieved by forcing molten metal in to the mold via centrifuge system.


If this equipment is compared with induction casting machine, it is really cheaper option. However using flame-torch requires much more attention to get rid of the open flame risks during casting process in laboratory conditions.

Technical Specifications

Centrifuge System

- 500 rpm  centrifuge
- Centrifuge system designed to cast with the torch
- Headline slot size can be adjusted according to the Headlines
- Msp -20 centrifuge pot carriage
- Wide chamber pot
- Adjustable weight balance setting for the revolution


- Closure of the centrifuge system


- Locker
- Two rack cabinet system